Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mission Trip to Ukraine

My dear friend Aimee and her friend Jamie are going on a mission trip to an orphanage to the Ukraine. I have been so blessed myself by the things God has done in this family's' life....I look forward to following this part. Please pray for their mission and all involved. The following is the link to her travel blog. To God be the Glory!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Hello Corie, I am so sorry that we had to meet under similar heartbreaking circumstances. Larson is such a beautiful baby, I am so sorry to hear about his loss. Like you said, it does get easier to deal with the pain but you never forget as there will always be this void in your heart. You have such a beautiful family. I hope you don't mind that I added you to my blog list and hope to get to know more about you and your family.

Many warm hugs,